Naturebytes Tech
Naturebytes has created a range of wildlife technology for education, research and the curious

Wildlife Camera Kits & Cases
The Naturebytes Wildlife Cam Kit is a motion-sensitive, wildlife camera that anyone can build to remotely capture high definition photos and videos of wildlife. The kit is powered by the Raspberry Pi, a credit-card-sized programmable computer, making it a fun way to develop your digital making skills and provide an exciting new insight into the natural world around you.
Our Wildlife Cam Cases come as part of the Kit or can be bought separately. The cases are specifically designed to be weatherproof and can protect your tech from exposure to the elements.
Build it, set it up outdoors and share your wildlife images online with the Naturebytes community.
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Camera Nest Boxes
The NestBox uses similar technology to the Wildlife Cam Kit, enabling people to live stream, capture video, photos and monitor nesting birds in their garden. The users record their observations via the online portal, creating interesting content and providing valuable monitoring data.
This kit is being brought to life with our partners the Belgian Museum of Natural Sciences as part of a national educational project in Belgium. The project is reaching between 300-500 schools each year and up to 30,000 children a year for three years!

Audio Moth
Research & Development
We are developing an ecosystem of new accessible technologies that enable people to simply assemble and monitor their environments. One example of our new concepts is the Weather Station. Created in collaboration with the Raspberry Pi Foundation, the Weather Station can be combined with the Cam Kit, enabling schools to simply collect images, real-time weather data and air-quality information.

The Naturebytes Cam Weather Station ConceptÂ
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