Delivering solutions to the greatest conservation challenges around the world
citizen science
Species Surveys
Satellite technology
Climate action

Naturebytes Conservation
Naturebytes are a network of technical experts who develop and lead partnerships worldwide to provide best-in-class conservation solutions. We leverage our unique expertise in the development and application of new conservation technologies, community engagement and programme delivery to address the greatest environmental conservation challenges.
Check out some of our project highlights below or get in touch to see how you can work with our technology, conservation and community engagement experts.
Citizen Science
We lead a national conservation and education partnership with Google, the Natural Science Museum of Belgium, and 100’s of NGOs and schools to monitor, manage and protect key bird species across the country.
We designed, developed, and manufactured smart nest boxes, sampling protocols, and supporting materials that allowed people across Belgium to view and manage their nest boxes throughout the breeding cycle. 10,000’s people participated each year, reporting bird species IDs, nest building, egg-laying, hatching, and fledging. Monitoring data and images were shared amongst the community and analysed by scientists. Trained experts from the Belgium ringing network also visited nestboxes to ring the chicks and monitor their movement and distribution across Europe.
The project has created a vast, diverse and well-distributed network of people working together to generate important data to study and protect their wildlife.

Species Surveys

Urban Mammal Monitoring
Satellite Technology

Climate Action

Climate Action Lab Network
The Climate Action Lab Network, created in partnership with U Can 2 and Salesforce, trains young people with a combination of STEM skills, entrepreneurship and new conservation technologies to identify and tackle the real-world environmental challenges most important to them.
Climate Actions Labs have been founded by youth groups in Switzerland, India, Japan and USA, creating a network of the next generation of conservationists focussed on delivering the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in their countries.
Examples of the community-led climate action successes include; bird bioacoustic surveys, elephant camera trapping and the air quality monitoring campaigns that have collected, analysed and shared data to successfully lobby and implement council ban for air pollutants.
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