Naturebytes NestBoxes have been set-up by schools all over Belgium. The NestBox was created especially for the Xperibird project, fitted out with our specialist tech, including; a Raspberry Pi computer, night-vision camera and user control interface;  creating a live video stream direct from the NestBox to the classroom. Students have closely followed the lives of their bird family as they grow from eggs, to hatchlings, to flying the nest.

NestBox Infographic

It’s been an amazing experience to see how the NestBox insights have captivated their audience – we’ve seen nesting great tits and blue tits, 14 eggs laid in just one nest, chicks taking their first flight and some of the breeding pairs are now successfully raising their second brood of the season.

The trials and tribulations of bird life have made it an emotional journey for some of the schools and their adopted bird families. One teacher from Free School of Fraipoint, Belgium said “Our school, children, parents and teachers have all been touched by this fabulous adventure! A big thank you to the designers of Xperibird!”

The Xperibird truck delivers the NestBoxes across the country

The Xperibird project is a three year project delivered to schools across Belgium by the wonderful people at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences and is funded by Through the distribution of NestBoxes, digital learning, bird observations and data collection, the Xperibird project has brought schools and scientists together to better understand these key bird species.

National map of Xperibird NestBoxes

You can find out more and check out the latest videos on the Xperibird website, it’s great!

If you have any thoughts, questions or are interested in a similar project, get in touch as we’d love to hear from you.


naturebytes co-founder



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  1. Ingo Fohnen

    Je viens de la communauté germanophone et habite à 4760 Bullange. Je suis privé. Je cherche une nichoir avec un camera instalé qui es instalé dans la boîte et qu’on peux poursuivre au TV ou au PC. J’ai vu que vous proposer cette nichoir dans les écoles.
    Est ce que c’est aussi possible d’acheter ca pour des privés ?
    (excusez moi mon francais, je suis germanophone 🙂
    Merci pour votre réponse
    Ingo Fohnen
    B-4760 Bullange

    • Naturebytes

      Hi Ingo,

      We’ve sent you an email (in English, sorry) regarding your request.


  2. Yves


    I would like to buy the same type of camera (a Raspberry Pi computer, night-vision camera and user control interface). It is for a school in Andorra.
    Could you give me a price ?
    Best regards

    • Naturebytes

      Hi Yves, the night-vision add-on for the Naturebytes Wildlife Cam kit is currently in its prototype stage, but will be made accessible in the future. You could use your own IR light and a Pi NoIR camera (just swap the one that ships with the kit to a NoIR version) if necessary. Take a look at and use the discount code NB10 to get a further 10% off.

      Kind regards,



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